Michael Shannon
Artistic Director, Japan Ballet Theater
Michael Shannon was discovered by the Bolshoi at the age of 16, becoming the first American graduate of the Bolshoi Ballet Academy. His illustrious career includes serving as a Principal for companies such as the Bolshoi Ballet, Birmingham Royal Ballet, Vienna State Opera Ballet, Stars of the Bolshoi Ballet, Hungarian State Opera Ballet, and Kremlin Palace Ballet Theatre. Shannon has danced and premiered 45 of his ballets across the globe and has won countless awards.
Lorena Negrea
Founder/Director, Scoala Balet Central
Lorena Negrea studied at the prestigious her studies at the prestigious "Floria Capsali'' Choreography High School and graduated from the studied at the prestigious University of Sciences and Arts "Gheorghe Cristea" in Bucharest. She danced as principal dancer for over 10 years at the Bucharest National Opera House in Bucharest, Romania. With her strong vision in dance education, she dedicates herself to teaching young and passionate dancers. Currently, she is a member of the prestigious CID - UNESCO (UNESCO International Dance Council).
Mihai Mezei
Founder/Director, Scoala Balet Central
ミハイ・メゼィ氏はルーマニアのセントラル・バレエ・スクールの創設者/ディレクターを務める。首都ブカレストの国立オペラ劇場のバレエ団にてプリンシパル・ダンサー引退後、バレエマスターとして貢献する。メゼィ氏はシビウ・バレエ・シアターの元バレエマスターも務める。現在、ミハイ・メゼィ氏は名誉あるCID - UNESCO(ユネスコ - 国際ダンス・カウンシル)のメンバーでもある。
Mihai Mezei is the Founder/Director of Scoala Balet Central, which is located in Romania. He is a former Principal dancer at the National Opera in Slipt, Croatia, a formal Principal dancer of the Bucharest National Opera House in Bucharest as well as former Ballet Master of the Bucharest National Opera House in Bucharest, Romania. Mihai was also a former Ballet Master at Sibiu Ballet Theater and Ballet de France. Currently, he is a member of the prestigious CID - UNESCO (UNESCO International Dance Council).
Gen Isomi
Contemporary Choreographer
磯見源氏は大坂を拠点に活動するコンテンポラリーの振付家。フランスのマルセイユ国立バレエ団主要ダンサーとしてまた欧州でフリーダンサーとして活躍。また韓国で開催されたワールド・バレエ・ガラに招待された初の日本人。帰国後は振付、指導等幅広く活躍し、毎年多くの振付を手掛け、磯見氏の振付はYAGP/YGP等の世界的なコンクールでも様々な賞を受賞。2023年10月に行われたYAGP/YGP-Japan予選ではOutstanding Choreographer Award(最優秀振付賞)を受賞する。
Gen Isomi is a former Principal dancer at the Ballet National de Marseille and was the first Japanese dancer invited to the World Ballet Gala i Korea. He graduated as valedictorian from Cannes Rosella Hightower in France and joined the Ballet National de Marseille in 2014. Isomi’s choreography has received various awards at global competitions such as YAGP/YGP.
Yoka Hirayama
Artist, Tokyo City Ballet
大坂出身。法村友井バレエ学校法にて村牧緒、宮本東代子、法村圭緒、堤本麻起子に師事。2015-2017 Joffrey Academy Dance of Chicago Traineeに留学。2017-2018 Milwaukee Ballet II に在籍。2018-2019 Charlottesville Ballet Company移籍。2020年に帰国し 東京シティバレエ団入団する。現在、バレエ団のみならず数多くの舞台に出演。スポーツメンタルトレーナー/スポーツフードアドバイザー /筋膜リリースセラピスト/ ピラティス講師資格修得。American Guild of Musical Artists(AGMA) 認定。
Yoka Hirayama is currently an artist with Tokyo City Ballet. She was formerly a Joffrey Ballet trainee, a member of the Milwaukee Ballet Second Company, and a member of the Charlottesville Ballet. Notably, Yoka holds certifications in myofascial release therapy, sports mental health, sports nutritional advising, and Pilates, underscoring her remarkable expertise and dedication to the world of dance.
Rika Aman
アマンりか氏は、2007年に設立したTUTU STUDIO LLCの創立者です。長年にわたりTUTU STUDIOの目標は、クライアントのダンサーや芸術スタッフなどのネットワーキング、そしてそれぞれのクライアントのレベルアップを目的としスキル/キャリア アップの専門的なコンサルティングやガイダンスを提供することでした。今ではTUTU STUDIO LLCは、バレエ学生、プロダンサー、スタジオ・スクール経営者など総合改善育成にも専念する多面的なエージェントへと進化しました。アマン氏のコンサルティングの下に多くのクライアントは国際的舞台、また数多くの著名なコンクールでの優れた成績、世界的に名高いダンス カンパニーでの雇用など素晴らしい業績を達成しています。アマンりか氏は名誉あるCID - UNESCO(ユネスコ - 国際ダンス・カウンシル)のメンバーでもあります。
Rika Aman is the founder and director of TUTU STUDIO, LLC, an agency she established in 2007 with the aim of providing expert guidance to dancers in the realms of networking, and career development. Over the years, TUTU STUDIO, LLC has evolved into a multifaceted institution, dedicated to fostering the aspirations of students, seasoned professionals, studio proprietors, and choreographers. Under her guidance, clients have accomplished remarkable feats, including international performances, distinguished placements in prestigious competitions, and coveted employment opportunities with globally renowned dance companies. She is a member of the prestigious CID - UNESCO (UNESCO International Dance Council).
Alyssa Aman
これまでに3回全米ダンス・チャンピオンのタイトル保持者のアーマン氏。テキサス大学ダラス校のダンスチーム、パワー・ダンサーズ メンバーとして2023年に引退。アーマン氏のバレエ経歴はワガノワ とバランシン・メソッドになる。ワシントンDCあった名門キーロフ・バレエ・アカデミー、ニューヨーク市にあるスクール・オブ・アメリカン・バレエ(SAB)、ハーレム・ダンス・シアター、フロリダ州のハリッド・コンサバトリー等多くのバレエ名門校からスカラシップを授与される。世界的に著名なバレエマスターの元で学ぶ。バレエ以外にもジャズ、タップ、コンテンポラリー、モダン、ヒップホップ、ブレイクダンス、社交ダンス、様々な民族舞踊なとのトレーニングを受ける。
Alyssa is a three-time, national dance champion title holder. She recently finished her dance career with the University of Texas at Dallas dance team, the Power Dancers. Alyssa's Ballet training consists of Vaganova style as well as Balanchine. She has received scholarships to attend the Kirov Academy in Washington D.C., the Harlem Dance Theater, the School of American Ballet, and the Harid Conservatory in Boca Raton, as well as being trained under various world-renowned Ballet Masters. Besides Ballet, Alyssa has trained in Jazz, Contemporary, Modern, Hip-Hop, Breakdance, Ballroom/Social Dance, and various folk dancing.